Important Dates
- Early bird registration is still valid! Register NOW - June 1, 2015
- Registration opens - July 12th, 13:00 at 3rd floor of TOKI Messe.
- Welcome Reception (free) - July 12th, 18:00-20:00 at 3rd floor room 302.
- Conference starts - July 13th, 8:30 at 4th floor International conference room
- Excursion - July 15th, 14:00 (reservation required).
- Sushi dinner - July 15th, 18:00-20:00 (reservation required).
- Banquet - July 16th, 19:30 Hotel Nikko Toki room (reservation required).
- Conference closes - July 17th, 12:20.
- Thank you for all! - August 25th
Welcome to ICCOSS 2015, the 22nd International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State. The Conference will be held from July 12th to 17th 2015 at Toki Messe in Niigata, Japan.
Since the very first ICCOSS conference, held at Brookhaven (USA) in 1968, and following the sequence of highly successful conferences organized in subsequent years, ICCOSS has become firmly established as the premier series of international conferences on the chemistry and physics of organic materials.
The scientific program will include plenary and special lectures, together with contributed lectures and poster sessions. An exhibition of scientific equipment, electronic resources and books will also be held.
- Previous News are on the separate page. (June 24th, 2015)
- Technical Program, Timetable opens. See "Program" page. If you see any trouble, please contact to info@iccoss2015.org.
- Updates are posted on the Updates page. Please visit it often.
- Thank you! The ICCOSS 2015 was officially closed. For further detail, please visit the Updates page. Thank you for your kind participations and contributions.
Confirmed Speakers
- Kunio Awaga, Nagoya University
- Graeme M. Day, University of Southampton
- Karl-Heinz Ernst, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology
- Tomislav Friscic, McGill University
- Makoto Fujita, University of Tokyo
- Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay, University of California, Los Angeles
- Kenneth D.M. Harris, Cardiff University
- Masahiro Irie, Rikkyo University
- Bart Kahr, New York University
- Takashi Kato, University of Tokyo
- Yuji Ohashi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Masami Sakamoto, Chiba University
- Lian Yu, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Conference Topics
The conference will cover research in all aspects of the chemistry and physics of organic solids, with lectures focused on the following topics:
- Crystallization Processes
- Polymorphism
- Crystal Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Materials
- Molecular Motions in Crystals
- Chemical Reactions in Organic Solids
- Biomaterials
- Crystal Structure Prediction
- Chirality in Organic Crystals
- Inclusion Compounds and Supramolecular Materials
- Mechanochemistry of Organic Solids
- Metal-organic Frameworks
- Nano-structured Organic Materials
- Organic Polymers
- Amorphous Organic Solids
- Liquid Crystals
- Optical, Electrical, and Magnetic Properties
- Industrial Applications of Organic Solids
- Experimental and Computational Techniques
IUCr Scientific Freedom Policy Statement
The Organizing Committee of the 22nd International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirms the right and freedom of scientists to associate in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, sex or age, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science.
At this conference, no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists.
Date: December 1st, 2014Place: Tokyo, Japan
Signature: Keiichiro Ogawa, Chairman